“Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.” W.H. Auden With the Sun square Mars, we’re possibly feeling more pressured and are more prone to acting on impulse rather than thought. That strategy can be risky and self-sabotaging, especially today when we can easily get in over our head. It may be far wiser for us to take some time and gather our thoughts and put our minds at ease before acting. Sometimes, too, it’s better to let things play out. We also want to make sure that we focus our attention, as best as we can, on whatever task it is that we are working on. That way we can help to avoid careless mishaps. Also, focusing on our strengths instead of ruminating on our weaknesses, serves us very well now. When our thoughts are centered on what we can do, we feel empowered. However, when we dwell on our perceived deficits, that only adds to our feeling of pressure. “Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they’re yours.” Richard Bach The Moon wraps up her sojourn through pragmatic Capricorn and enters experimental Aquarius at 4:52 pm EDT. That Moon sign change may also be when we are more inclined to throw caution to the wind. We need to remember, though, that caution often is a byproduct of wisdom. Restless Energy
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